Basic Provisions
1. It is prohibited to post materials that violate the laws of Ukraine or agitate for violation.
2. It is prohibited to discredit and humiliate the Armed Forces of Ukraine, both individual representatives and in general.
3. It is forbidden to humiliate the people, language, symbols and culture of Ukraine, as well as to conduct Russian imperial and communist agitation.
4. Spam and wipe are prohibited.
5. It is prohibited to bypass bans.
6. It is prohibited to communicate on behalf of the Administration for users who do not have such status.
Ladder of responsibility
- (Optional) ban-warning with explanation of the context of the violation
- Ban for 2 days
- Ban for 7 days/month
- Permanent ban (including by subnet)
Terms of Use
- Any ban can be appealed in the moderation thread.
- In this thread you can make requests to the administration.
- Constructive criticism is allowed in this thread.
- Aggressive criticism is not allowed and can lead to a ban in the moderation thread, which you will no longer be able to discuss.