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(31.44KB, 728x410)
So, I need to fill in the content a little.
I'm alone here for the time being, like God in his newly created world...
I like to play with short formulas, especially with the family of formulas given in the op post.
Here's another formula, let's call it "Awesome level #2":
(106.83KB, 1000x700)
Let's continue to play with the "Game levels" family. Some modifications of the "Awesome level":
Cool cartoon sounds!

Also here new songs I posted on reddit. "The time is running out!":
And the modification with more interesting rhythm:
(72.72KB, 640x360)
I should repost here my tracks that I posted on reddit, and which have been in the library for a long time, but were never shown on this board.

- "Death chase" (source)

Modified "The time is running out!" and "remix by RealZynx92" songs are taken as a basis. Used the idea of selecting notes and rhythm through an array.

- "90's eurodance" - a variation of the "Death chase".

And ultra short oldschool classic formulas with cool sound, all as I like:

- Neurofunk (source)

- Fist punch - a variation of the "Neurofunk"
(547.44KB, 2560x1600)
"Flying deep in dark space, you caught a distress signal and landed on an icy planet. In this frozen world, you have found an abandoned base of colonists. There is not a single survivor..."

Formatted version - 1340B size, Minified version - 611B size.

"Frozen Planet" is the song I submitted in January to the "Winter Chip XVII" competition on, in the "bytebeat1k" category. The song took first place.

Algorithms and instruments was based on Bp103's ideas. The song uses a square-wave generator, which can be formed from the sawtooth t signal in several ways: by using bit shift 128*(((t/128)%2)<<0), by rounding through int 128*int((t/128)%2) or like this 128*((t/128)%2|0)

Notes are fed into the generator as array of frequencies. Low notes will act as bass. By selecting notes in a specific order, we can make an arpeggiator. By adding a sine function, we can make the floating frequency effect. The kick in the rhythm section is implemented from square-wave decays. For example t/=16396,128*int(t*(256>>(32*t))). The hi-hats are implemented with a combination of sine and exponentiation, which produces a noise effect without using random().

Have a good flight!
(44.58KB, 800x564)
"An endless world of snowy expanses, icebergs, and blue waters..."

- Formatted version - 1040B size
- Minified version - 471B size

The song I created in january, then improved several times and posted 2022-05-01 at
The instruments are the same as in "Frozen Planet" (>>43), but the composition is based on playing with coefficients of square-wave arpeggiator and a sine modifier. A notes array is used to generate different sounds in different iterations.
(48.71KB, 1000x794)
"The streets of the night metropolis are full of dangers! But the Moon lights your way, and you're not afraid of anything. Feel free to move forward through the narrow lanes!"

- Formatted version - 1501B size
- Minified version - 799B size

The song I created 2022-05-25 and posted at
It continues the technology used in "Antarctica" (>>67), but now it has added some cool drums using the noise instrument, and added the triangle generator.
(1.88MB, 1600x900)
"For thousands of years there was a world of glaciers, snowy expanses and ice caves. But the earth is changing. Giant ice walls are crumbling, falling in huge chunks. Here and there the first flowers bloom and the grass turns green. The first spring is coming to these lands..."

- Formatted version - 2527B size.
- Minified version - 1214B size.

This is the song I created 2022-05-02 and posted at for "Spring Tracks XI" competition.
It is a continuation of the "Antarctica" (>>67) theme development. Tried to get something like a NES sound. The same drums and triangular generator later was used in the "Dancing Moon". Successfully turned out a noise instrument, universal for different percussions. I even managed to implement a primitive echo from explosive falling pieces.
(13.84KB, 1280x720)
"You are standing in the rocky Martian desert and looking at a small pale Sun that rises from the horizon..."

- Formatted version - 1748B size.
- Minified version - 956B size.

Smooth rise/fade of volume and echo parameters is implemented. The possibilities of stereo are used, the echo responds alternately in each ear. It is strongly recommended to listen with headphones!

The Floatbeat mode is used due to artifacts appeared in the Bytebeat mode at low values. Bytebeat mode has a gradation of only 256 levels (8 bits, or 1 byte), and does not allow small fractional values ​​to be transferred normally. Floatbeat was conceived to get rid of these effects in order to transmit sound information with high quality.
The song continues the technologies using in "Dancing Moon" (>>72) and "End of Ice Age" (>>74).
Also posted on

Message edited: 18.07.22 Mon 01:25:22
(72.39KB, 1024x552)
"You are walking in the dark through a winter forest among huge frozen trees. It seems that someone is watching you from the darkness..."

Play in bytebeat player (262 bytes):


This song was written for Winter Chip XVIII competition on Initially my challenge was to write the code that would fit in 255 characters. The challenge has been completed, here 248 bytes version. But then I decided to add some variety so that the drums tempo would change over time. The code uses a square wave generator that generates various arpeggios, an echo and decay effects are applied to them.

The code generates chrods progressions from the initial pattern '037'. We can generate another harmonies by changing coefficients, for example:

'Chase in the Forest' version
'Foggy Forest' version

Also, more harmonies by 'Chasyxx' on reddit:

'027' - sus2 (exploring)
'057' - sus4 (spaaaace!)
[0,4,7,11] - major 7th (even more explorative!)
(22.11KB, 700x700)
I keep forgetting to post my songs here :)

"At night, while the cat is away, mice become masters of the house and dance together in the middle of the room."

- Original / minified version – 404B size.
- Formatted version – 932B size.


A song obtained by alternating an array of two elements. Switching between them creates an interesting melody.

This song is a further development of my "Small mouse" song (>>424) which is a deep remix of of "cool vaporwave" by Rio zack (>>408).
(55.87KB, 850x478)
(260.67KB, 1170x644)
"You are traveling by the Galaxy, flying through another star system. Your path passes by its planets, asteroid belts and gas clouds, past the Red Giant in the center..."

- Play in bytebeat player - 1884 bytes, 44100Hz sample rate

Genre: space ambient. Written for Summer Chip XIII competition on, here original post. The output is stereo, continuing the "Sunrise on Mars" (>>105) instruments, better listen with headphones. The sequences of notes and chords are generated by arpeggiator algorithm based on generator from "Steady On Tim, It's Only A Budget Game" by Gasman. By changing the coefficients we can get a different songs. So I decided to make not one song, but two!

- 00:00 - "Star System"
- 03:24 (204s) - "Red Giant"

Also we can change the chords to minor ones, getting a different theme and continuing the journey:

- "Flying past the Black Hole" - 1884 bytes, bonus track :)

Also posted on
(33.92KB, 450x300)
"You are riding your bike down a road among the mountains. A valley with forests, meadows and waterfalls rushes below.."

- Original / minified version - 790 bytes, 44100Hz Floatbeat
- Formatted version - 1855 bytes

Written for "Very Rare Formats II" competition on, here original post.

This is a further development of the Dark Forest song technology, using a squarewave arpeggiator that generates different chords and progressions from a pattern.

The echo uses a popular technology with cache array, but it may be freezes on Firefox with weak machines (phones for example). It's better to use a different echo method in your songs, for example, by simply repeating the function.

You can remove /128-1 at the end and switch to regular bytebeat mode, there will be no difference except artifacts at the beginning and end of the song due to insufficient precision (only 256 values), so floatbeat mode was used for better sound.
Screenshot 2024-01-06 at 03-53-25 Bytebeat compose
(72.26KB, 606x912)
Screenshot 2024-01-06 at 03-52-12 Bytebeat compose
(76.64KB, 606x912)
Animation of light in Diagram mode. Shine a flashlight on the sphere from all sides.

* 1/16 zoom sphere
* light 1/16 zoom sphere

1/16 zoom gives 16 diagram "pixels" in height. To get more pixels, we need less zoom:

* 1/32 zoom sphere
* light 1/32 zoom sphere
* light 1/64 zoom sphere

Unfortunately, the animation smoothness directly depends on the scan speed. But at high zoom the resolution suffers:

* 1/8 zoom sphere

The spheres above are 128 diagram "pixels" in horizontal resolution. We can make it low too:

* true 1/16 zoom sphere

The code is based on "sphere" by u/orion_aboy

UPD: suddenly, kind a hemispherical surface is also displayed in Point mode!
(10.49KB, 225x225)
"You have passed through the portal, but there is no way back. You walk on the new world and think about your destiny. Sunset on the horizon, tomorrow will be a new day.."

Play in bytebeat player - 3550 bytes, 48000Hz

Originally posted on battleofthebits for Summer Chip XIV contest.

The generation algorithm is based on a modified custom tracker format taken from the song Adventure's Began by Kouzerumatsukite. The table with effects is applied for the square wave generator, making such effects as duty cycle changing, attack, staccato, arpeggio. A song can use different effects for the same melody, changing its sound.

Message edited: 12.08.24 Mon 11:52:52
this is actually cool keep it up!1!1
(34.94KB, 360x360)
(41.42KB, 360x360)
(40.38KB, 640x360)
"Suddenly you encounter space bandits while traveling. You fight them off and escape in your shuttle." 🏴‍☠️☠️💥🚀🪐

- Formatted version - 3065 bytes.

- Minified version - 1355 bytes.

48000Hz bytebeat. Continuation of the tech used in the Wanderer song. Tried to make the sound even more similar to NES. Two channels for the pulse waves, one channel for a NES-like stepped triangular bass, also noise drums and kick. From the features, I managed to get rid of the clicks inherent in the triangular wave.

Wanted to post this closer to Christmas, but I couldn't resist. Maybe it's worth writing songs more often than half a year. Happy upcoming holidays!

Message edited: 19.12.24 Thu 00:25:16

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Changelog / Common thread / SthephanShi / kOLbOSa_exe / lhphr / PortablePorcelain / HypernovaHeathen / BaenHoHoHo / SArpnt / hcdphobe / OnixIsThePewterGod / Zackx / GetDolphinedLol / psubscirbe / ChrisRM380 / Kouzerumatsu / MT2023 / Decent-Manager-6169 / Chasyxx / Glebguything / absolute197 / ANoUserXD / MarioFan171
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